Interactive notebook assessment evaluation
Interactive notebooks are widely
used in the classroom. The purpose
behind an interactive notebook is to help students organize and synthesize
information given to them in class.
For the remainder of the semester,
we will be using an interactive notebook. It’s a way of collecting and
processing information. This notebook style uses both the right and left brain
hemispheres to help you sort, categorize
and remember and creatively interact
with the new knowledge you’re gaining.
This leads to longer retention.
The interactive notebook uses a
right side and left side to help you organize you learning. The right page
includes traditional class assignments: notes, worksheets, etc. The left side
is a place for you to process that information.
There are some guidelines to follow
to succeed in this assessment.
1. You will number each page in your notebook. Leave at
least two whole pages for the table of contents.
2. The interactive notebook (IN) has a specific
Write this instruccions on the pages #1 and #2 of your
Left side
The left side of you IN is the output side. Here is
where you will demonstrate what you have learned. On the left-hand side, you
will communicate your understanding of the mathematical concepts you are
learning in class.
Questions to ask for the left side;
How can I remember the steps of this process?
How can I paraphrase or summarize the information?
Examples of the left-side content:
Homework assignments
Guided practice problems
Additional notes
Significant statements
Drawings, flowcharts, data and graphs you generate.
Your questions
Concepts maps
META PR practice exercises
Things to remember:
Every left side pages gets used.
Always use color… It helps your brain, learn and
organize information.
Quizzes are left side items.
Right side
The right side of your IN is the input side. Here you will record
class notes, or attach handouts given to you by your teacher. The right-handed
side is for testable information.
Always record the dates in the upper right hand corner of each page.
Record the day’s learning objectives at the top of the page.
Don’t forget to record every entry in the table of contents.
Examples of
the right-side content:
Vocabulary words
Teacher questions
META PR examples problems
Examples exercises
Class notes
Graphic organizers
Things to
Write legibly. Use at least three colors to make important information
stand out.
Overview and criteria of interactive
Your name, class period and course
name is clearly visible on the front of
your notebook.
Page numbers CLEARLY marked
at bottom outside corners of all pages.
Your handwritting is legible
Each class has a title and
objetives at the top of the page, and also the date is written correctly and according
to the day class was given.
Includes effective diagrams
and pictures.
Every handout, paper,
foldable given by the teacher is glued correctly and in the date given.
No excuses in terms of any
absence and incomplete assessments. The student have all the resourses
(teacher, blog, etc.) to do the work.
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